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Ben Carter to Close Millennial on a Mission #SummerSocial Networking Series


-- For Immediate Release --

August 3, 2015

Washington, DC – Manage Your Damn Money host and Co-CEO Ben Carter will join Millennial on a Mission (MOAM) for their third and final #SummerSocial at BlackFinn AmeriPub in Washington, DC, Thursday, August 13 at 6 pm. Carter will join MOAM founder Chasity S. Cooper to lead a discussion about the origins of MYDM and how the brand is changing the tone of the conversation around money and personal finances.

"This is our second, live speaking event this summer and I'm excited to take part in another important discussion about how we can all do better with the money we earn," said Carter. "Millennial on a Mission is an incredible property that does great work in highlighting the inspirational work of children of the 1980's and 1990's. I'm honored to be counted among the many up-and-coming professionals trying to leave their mark on the world."

The MOAM #SummerSocial is a DC-based networking series featuring young professionals and their work. Carter will share his efforts building a small business, striving to make money cool and talk about his new book, Fictitious Financial Fairytale. The event is open to the public. Online registration is $7.85.

"I'm very grateful to have been selected by MOAM as the third and final speaker of their summer networking series," said Carter. "I'm hopeful people from around the area will join us for an excellent conversation. I'm excited to meet those who attend and get to know more about how they think about money."


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