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Be A Pal and Support a Small Business on Small Business Saturday


Written by Ben Carter

Many who've come across Manage Your Damn Money or enjoy what we do might not realize a very important aspect of our efforts. Manage Your Damn Money is an official, registered Limited Liability Company (LLC) of Washington, DC.

This means we file taxes and complicated documents with various government entities to keep our records current and in good standing. It's an expensive proposition. There are yearly fees attached to keeping your LLC on the books and we've learned a lot about the process simply stumbling over this or that since we became an official company in December of 2012.

I'm not writing about this to toot our own horn or to talk about how great it is to own a company. I'm talking about small businesses because today is Small Business Saturday!

A day instituted by a well-known credit card company, Small Business Saturday is a day to honor and support the efforts of your favorite and local shops who support our communities with valuable services or products we typically can't find at big box stores or large companies.

With leftover turkey sitting in your refrigerator and ads for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas sales hitting the airwaves, this time of year brings plenty of thought about how we can capitalize on sales to get a good deal on that perfect gift or new gadget we've had eyes on for months. But still being in the spirit of thanks, I'd suggest you join me in making the effort to patronize a small business in your area or online today.

It could be your local coffee shop, barbership or an online boutique you love. It really doesn't matter. What does matter is that when you buy small business goods, you add fuel to the dreams of those who run their businesses with the hope of providing a quality product, bigger companies can't deliver on. On the heels of Thanksgiving and #GivingTuesday, I suggest just one more act of generosity this November.

Visit a small business and buy something. I promise you, the act will be forever appreciated.

What are your favorite small businesses to buy from?

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