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NPR Reporter Encapsulates the Difficulties of Living in Poverty in America


Sometimes you see, read or in this case hear a story that grabs you by the ear and doesn't let go. National Public Radio (NPR) culture of health reporter Laura Starecheski put together a long-form, radio story that does just that.

Discussions about poverty in mainstream media often take on very general tone that deals with those living in poverty in a way that places them in a group and then discusses said group in a detached, impersonal manner. These kinds of general discussion often make it a challenge to identify with what those in a group might be experiencing.

Laura's piece does just the opposite. She introduces you to a young woman living on very low-wages and walks you through the challenges people like this young woman face when trying to raise their standard of living. Laura also introduces us to the concept of "bandwidth poverty".

An amazing piece, we seriously recommend you take a few minutes to give the story a listen.

Listen to the entire story here!

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